Quote Originally Posted by Aussie View Post
Thanks for the bullish article Arco. He seems like an impassion-ate fellow . . . I notice that Australia and NZ don't even figure on that chart. Not even close. From memory I think Peter Costello sold 2/3 Australia's gold reserves several years ago leaving them with about 84 tonnes. I expect that NZ's holding would be far lower than that.


The question that I keep asking and no-one seems to have an answer or even a theory on is . . . if the USD has a crash or a "disorderly decline", what happens to the AUD & NZD as both the RBA & RBNZ as far as I know has reserves made up primarily of USD instruments like Dollars, Treasuries and probably US Agency debt.

Anyone wanna take a stab?
IMHO the NZD will tank along with the USD & AUD but I do believe the AUD & NZD will recover faster as we have good export markets which if the government's can help grow will see AUD,NZD better over the longer term compared to the US UK high import v low export disasters
Personal it's a great time to turn your NZD in the true world hard currency reg. gold silver bullion
Or if you have a good solid income a time to borrow devaluing money(to build another asset like a home or buy cheap shares)