Quote Originally Posted by Peitro View Post
Hate to say it, the worm has turned.

US$ in real trouble, DOW to take a hit.
Don't Agree Peitro.

End of uptrend of the US$ is no12 in my list of 23 indicators I used to signal a possible bottoming out of Equities (end of bear)cycle and the beginings of a new Bull cycle. (see #177 10th Feb post in Investing strategies and secular bear markets)
My post in February showed many indicators hadn't signaled back then including the all important never yet failed copper indicator.

However all 23 have signaled now, one of the last being US$ which turned (broke its uptrend) at the end of March 2009.

A fall in the country's currency is part of the economic cycle process..and not necessary a bad thing, it shows the economic cycle is progressing through its recessionary phase towards the next phase (recovery).

Usually a bullish sign for Equities...eg DOW