The presumption that US will lose superpower status to China id probably wrong. I have previous read a very good analysis of why which includes the inherent natural and infrastructure porblems of China. It has a rapidly aging population due to its one child policy. It has a serious shortage of water and natural resources. Much of the country is dessert. It is poorly equipped with ports and river transport. Compared with US it just cannot compared. It is a loose integration of many different cultural groups which could fall apart it conditions deteriorate as may happen with loss of export markets and income.

Some argue that despite the problems the US is the only currency where we know all the bad news. This is yet to be factored into the Euro and Yuan.

Credit destruction is destroying money more quickly that the US is printing it. And the quantitive easing it is practising is more credit creation than Zimbabwe type printing.

On balance I am still confident of the future of the USD and use it as a 'store of wealth' currency.