Hi Yeti.
As a first time poster to ST today a friendly welcome from me. I see that you have been a member since Jan 2008 so I gather you have only used this website infrequently to watch & read.

Now some constructive criticism..

I've just had a quick look over the entire PVO thread .....OK..in your defense Yeti.. some posters can be a bit dodgy.. but most posters on this thread are to be respected.... Ratkin and most other posters have written nothing but negative comments about PVO....so my question to you Yeti, is why did you invest in PVO??...it seems you didn't do your homework on PVO.

We all make disasters..my last one was BIO I knew the management in BIO was dodgy at best.but it was my choice to buy in and when BIO unraveled and I bailed out for a large loss I did not blame the management I blamed myself...Will I learn from my mistake...probably not as I will no doubt experience another disaster at some future point...

...Most disasters are unseen but in PVO case it was foreseen..

It's a pity Yeti that you have decided to stop share investing...however it is not everyone's cup of tea.. To be successful in any business (as you well know), you have to dedicate your time to it and work hard and efficiently...share investing is no different...to make money your have to work for it...I personally spend many hours each day.

Lastly...I disagree with your anti NZ business stance...I don't believe NZ managers are all idiots ..Winner69 has pointed out that PVO had some good caliber people on board...On a Global comparision I think we are near the top of the list for good management practices. 5th in the world I think from memory...some of the reasons are obvious such as compulsory transparency/systemic rules, open mindedness, and low corruption rate.

Yeti... I realise you have limited time due to dedicating that time to your business ...and so it should be ..good on ya...and all the best.

PS: Yeti.. Open up a thread in the future and let us know how you doing.

Cheers Hoop