Quote Originally Posted by Shrewd Crude View Post
I just put up a lengthy post on HC about a valuation for our PNG assets, and based on inground resource, we could get a deal for $30million (based on the HZN P3GE deal)...
When Kimu, Barikewa go into production stage, I reckon these two projects could be worth $250 million dollars to us...
It is quickly coming time for the market to realise that our PNG assets are worth big money in the future and that at least some premium must be attached for that...We will ride on the coat tails of PNG LNG and OSH, and for some sort of realisation to happen... The sooner, the better...

and happen all for free because theres no way the market is even putting $10m worth on the market cap for our PNG assets...
This is 'CSG' sort of leverage...
read what I said on HC...

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