Quote Originally Posted by Enumerate View Post
Until there is proof of guilt - the state has no business denying a citizen his rights.
Even poor old Donald had no proof of guilt. While there was evidence of his guilt, his guilt was never proved. You'll know that in reality a citizen has limited rights. We don't really have freedom of speech (try talking about niggers in a public place), we don't really get to own our property (try being a land owner when power pylons need to be put up), we don't get to keep the money we have earn (what was your tax bill like).

We actually have a limited set of rights and in NZ we don't even have a constitution. The state has the ability to legally place a person under statutory management, that person has a legal right to contest that power when it has been imposed - AH has chosen not to do so.

We are a very long way from being in a position where guilt has been established - if indeed if it ever contested.