Quote Originally Posted by janner View Post
I am with CJ on this one.

No income tax. Low company tax ( if any ). Retain excise taxes ( fags booze etc )

GST with no claw back.. Thus relief from never ending paper work..

What about introducing a Tobin Tax ??
There is very little paperwork with GST. What have you bought, what have you sold. What is the difference, and what is the GST on that amount? It's minutes rather than hours for any businress operating the right system. By clawback I presume you mean no deduction for input. If so it would not work because gthe tax would become cumulative. Some items would be marked up hundreds of % in tax alone. It can only work if it falls to the end user. It's actually a great system whether you agree with consumption tax or not, probably the best in the world. - let's hope nobody ever alters the basic structure of it e.g. introducing exemptions.