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  1. #11
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    Feb 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by digger View Post
    Still digging your hole by avoiding the central issue. First 42% went offshore when many founders and long owners and nz supports of this company got nil or next to nil. Forgot to comment on the crap that the company would get more money selling to the Aus on rount to the chinese when we all had to pay the same price.
    But look thanks for all the comments here as tomorrow i get interviewed by the reporters on this matter. Some ideas here will help. I will use my own name and ask that similiar comments also have to use their names. The name hiders can go on letters to the editor.
    Bad enough, Digger, that you made the mis-informed and ill-informed comments in the first place about Fonterra allocating the shares to the Indians and Chinese, rather than to New Zealanders.

    Instead of owning up that you were fed bad information, you then attempted to switch the argument to Crafar farms. There has been enough xenophobic racist emotional claptrap spoken about and written about Crafar farms than any reasonable and fair New Zealander will want to ever hear or read again.

    You then assert that Fonterra allocated the shares to the Australians so that the Indians and Chinese will buy off them!

    Please provide us with the proof - 1. That the Australians are selling and the Indians & Chinese are buying, and 2. Fonterra deliberately sold to the Australians under that pretext.

    Xenophobic emotional race based comments have no place in any decent society.

    As New Zealanders, we are better than that.

    Your thread of comments remind me so much of a real life Digger at a pub in Sydney years ago. He was abusing a Japanese gentleman about WW2 and how he would never share a room with any Japanese as they killed his mates etc etc. Fair enough as he must still be so cut up about what happened during the war. Unfortunately, the 'Japanese' told him that he was actually a Korean. Instead of apologizing, the Digger muttered "you Asians are all the same and you killed my mates." Interesting thing is that no-one in the pub said anything (myself included) but there was a deep sense of embarrassment that 40+ years after WW2, there were still individuals around who could not unburden themselves from the past, and are prepared to apologize and admit their mistakes.
    Last edited by Balance; 02-12-2012 at 03:08 PM.


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