Hello people's,

i have a question....actually I have lots but will bore you with only one at this point. I started in shares after the last crash with craigs in their my start package which has been great. Earlier in the year I wanted to jump into xero but was talked out of it and I wanted an index as well although there seem to be only certain ones you're allowed to jump into until I guess you grow your portfolio to thousands of dollars or have some unknown number of shares.

i opened asb so I could buy some things on my own. I think the craigs portfolio should be the buy and hold strategy, the asb will be the medium term strategy like if I wanted to ride companies like xero etc (not that I'm getting in at these levels) then sell so I guess trading at months to years type strategy or buy shares I can't get through craigs.....

Im also thinking about doing some short term trading once I've read every book on the planet and feel comfortable with paper trading but figure I should keep that account separate from the above?? Was thinking about direct broking.

is this a reasonable way to think about separating out accounts? I guess I'd like to keep the strategies separate. I think I read there can be some tax benefits in doing this plus I think it's good to keep things straight in my head.

or is this over the top?

Looking at the fees on my craigs account I get the impression asb is cheaper too. I'll keep craigs though as I like having someone to chat to... Although on a couple of occasions I wish I had stuck to my own rules that I'm developing.