Hey, these are probably stupid questions, but none the less
I have a share trading account with ASB securities which for me is fine, I mostly just use it to get company info, pe, EPS, mcap, watch share price/volumes etc.
When I bought MRP shares I did not have this share-trading account, so they went in through computershare. How can I transfer these to ASB Securities so i can trade them/keep them in one place etc?

In addition, have tentatively applied for some meridian shares but naively missed/skipped the step where you can put in your broker details etc - so ideally I would like to have these in/under ASB also. I tried calling ASB for info about this who said to call the meridian/offer help line - who I called and said to talk to ASB. Who would I be more likely to have some success with regarding this when I follow up/call again?