Hi folks,

just thought I should say "Hi". Not really a new member, but no postings since 2008 (must count as nearly new)?

(Re-)introducing myself: I am neither "Black" nor "Peter" ... The name came 10 plus years into my mind when I had to quickly make up a username for trademe (just to check a listing I afterwards didn't buy), but the name stayed with me since that time.

Take it as literal translation of the name of a German card game, though I think that at that stage was as well the tragic story with Sir Peter Blake in the press - one of these things / events must have been responsible for shaping the name!

My investment history: Started boring (CEN), I made some mistakes on the way (better don't check out my old posts ): GEN, DPC, PRC, (and more recently RAK) and managed to sell SKL (5 years ago?) at its absolute minimum (I think 47cts), but overall I seemed to have learned from my mistakes and had more recently some good returns from the likes of FPA, RYM, STU, FBU, EBO, DGL).

I see myself as long term investor, looking for value and seeking long term income from my investments (i.e. no short term speculation) ... and have done the last couple of years better than my (so called growth-) superfund. Just (semi-?) retired and now looking as well after the nest egg my investment manager left ... and looking forward to a good discussion with you guys & gals!

So long,
