Recent float with a large strategic iron ore tenement holding in the Pilbara. Currently drilling with intention of identifying areas with potential to produce significant tonnages of direct shipping quality iron ore. Drilling results to date are excellent with large iron content and low impurities. More results due out at any time. A very large resource may be in the making. Huge advantage in my eye is proximity to Fortescue Metals Group railway line. Transportation of the product to port is the main burden on many iron ore hopefuls as the cost of the infrastructure is prohibitive. After a bitter fight with BHP FMG have gone it alone constructing their own railway line and have declared it to be 'open access'. Plays very well in BCI's favour should they stumble across the resource they are after. Worth a look IMO.

Disc: Hold BCI, Please do your own research before deciding whether to buy, sell or hold stocks.