Hi All, I'm fairly new to investing and FA and have a question I've been unable to answer myself.

I'm reading through the Skellerup (SKL) financial reports and found they switched from IFRS to the Financial Reporting Act 1993 in their 2008 report. In the 2008 report, they restated the comparatives for the 12 months ending June 30 2007.

They give some details of adjustments in note 32 (Impact of adopting NZ IFRS), however I'm unable to figure out why their "Receipts from customers" in the Cash Flow statement changed.

In the 2007 report, receipts from customers was $186,990k and in the 2008 report it was restated as $195,081k - this skews the data a fair amount when trying to work out trends in operating cash flows etc.

Can anybody shed any light on the change, and how to compensate for it?