Quote Originally Posted by Aaron View Post
Roger you don't work for stuff.co.nz do you they seem to be as hot on this issue of how much do you need. The latest which you may have already read.
Here is hoping we can generate better returns than what he is proposing in this article. Although based on history I would be glad of 5% as some years my investment return has been negative.
I think the media are stalking me lol including Paul Henry who had the segment a while back on the same topic.
Thanks Aaron, I'll look forward to reading that later today when I get some more time, better do some work now (to save for my retirement lol).

Anyway...I managed to dig this history of N.Z's super out for you and others to have a look through and I'll also enjoy reading it later. It looks at how they've tinkered with the system over the decades to make it more affordable.