• The most powerful and most effective anti-cancer agents ever developed are known as cytotoxic drugs, meaning that they kill cancer cells by inflicting lethal damage. Cytotoxic chemotherapy has been the mainstay of cancer therapy for the past 40 years and is set to continue to hold that position for the foreseeable future.
    But cytotoxic chemotherapy has hit a roadblock. It has not advanced in any meaningful way in the last 20 years for two fundamental reasons:
    first, it has no effect on cancer stem cells, those minority cells within a tumor that are responsible for perpetuating the tumor. So that even where initial response to therapy has occurred, malignant cancer almost always returns;
    second, most forms of cancer either have from the start or quickly develop drug-resistance mechanisms that render them insensitive to cytotoxic drugs.

    Novogen has focused on breaking through this roadblock. Our objective has been to find ways both to kill the cancer stem cells, as well as augmenting the cytotoxic effect of standard drugs in their ability to kill the regular cancer cells.
    In this quest, Novogen scientists have identified two new drug targets.
    The second target is a structural protein that when disabled, causes the cancer cell’s cytoskeleton to disintegrate. We have developed a drug that by hitting this target greatly potentiates the anti-cancer effect of some of the most widely used drugs in oncology. This is the anti-tropomyosin drug
    One target is a family of secondary or enabling mutations that we believe are common to all cancer cells and which are essential for a cancer cell’s survival. We have developed a family of drugs that hit this target and for the first time kill the full range of cells within a tumor, but most importantly the cancer stem cells. This is the super-benzopyran drug technology.