Quote Originally Posted by minimoke View Post
Just got back form Warbirds over Wanaka where there was a live demonstration of the jet pack.

First impression: "LOUD". I knew this thing was noisy but had no idea it was as noisy as it was. Put any ideas of this being a personal jetpack away. There is no way on earth any local authority is going to let anyone fly this thing anywhere within suburban limits. It is so loud only the wealthiest who can afford to piss of their neighbors in some boondock republic will be buyers.

Next impression: under whelmed. The demonstration was pilotless. There was an explanation but I couldn't hear it over the din this thing was making. Why do this - unless of course it is never going to be a Personal Jetpack

Granted it did fly a few meters above ground and it did hover over a dime and it did fly a few meters out. But that was it. Thats all - nothing else. What a lost opportunity. Is this what MJP are doing at every expo - if so they are wasting money.

They didn't even try to demonstrate any first responder stuff. They could have tried to lift a 100kg weight and move it fro A to B. Or perhaps strap some emergency gear and fly it to someone on the ground. No - nothing like that. Just a very boring up, across hover and down while making a hurr of a din. I have i mentioned the noise!

No wonder their test base is out at Oxford (where no doubt even the sheep are running scared) and not in the city. I reckon this thing would make more noise than the Christchurch Engine Centre on a still night.

All I can say is I remain convinced that anyone with money in this stock are muggs. There was nothing in the demonstration to convince me otherwise.

Drones will be the way to go. Electric powered, powerful and quiet. Watch this space,.
According to what I read the other day in some newspaper a company spokesman said - it has been demonstrated flying manned at a demonstration in China and there are videos you can view. Here is the chance for NZers to see an unmanned fight - or words to that effect. Make of it what you will. I know what I think and it's exactly what you think MM. B/s beyond belief.