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Thread: Comvita - CVT

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  1. #11
    always learning ... BlackPeter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ogg View Post

    I think this is what "China Resources" will be considering with their take over offer of Comvita, and why they see it as a good long term play. I believe that A2 Milk will eventually collapse or pull out of China (not anytime soon), as the Chinese will come up with their own local version and copy them. However, Comvita has to be taken over as they can not copy them.
    Pull the other one ...

    I guess no doubt the Chinese are concerned (as anybody else) about controlling and securing their food supply. Nothing wrong with that. Of course will they have at some stage A2 herds - as well as whatever fruit orchards they deem necessary to feed their people.

    Will this result in A2 milk collapsing? Not sure why. I agree it is likely that the world milk supply is likely to move towards A2, but than - Fonterra is producing A1/A2 milk (as everybody else) and didn't collapse yet despite the chinese having the same herds ..., so why should A2 collapse if the world moves A2?

    But back to Manuka - one needs a healthy dose of blinkers to think that Manuka honey is anything special ...

    Two issues:

    1) So far there is no evidence for Manuka honey being any different in its nutritional or health value than any other honey when eaten:

    Sure - this does not stop the Chinese buying it - I heard it is especially potent when mixed with powder from white rhino horn and dried tiger penis ...

    but maybe they move on at some stage to the next fad ... and


    If at some stage somebody is able to prove any positive health effects (other than placebo) of Manuka honey - than, as indicated by others, it is easy to source Manuka honey from Australia. And - if the Chinese are really keen - what do you think will stop them from growing Manuka in China and making their own. You can grow Manuka easily in any temperate climate - it even grows in the UK!

    Just needs sufficient (but not too much) water, poor soils, not too cold (though some frost is fine) and not too hot. Manuka is actually a native of Australia (and arrived only later at our shores coming form Australia): Lots of Manuka as well already oversees (other than NZ / Australia) - i.e. no way we could stop that.

    Here goes your monopoly (well, it never existed) - no reason at all for the Chinese to pay too much for a badly governed and managed NZ company with supply and logistical issues ...
    Last edited by BlackPeter; 23-04-2018 at 10:22 AM.
    "Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future" (Niels Bohr)

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