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  1. #14
    Join Date
    May 2015


    Very short signed poster(s) indeed some are - but then again the market is often, if not always, very short sited as well - they want results now, and if that result (or outcome of a court case, in this case) is negative, so will the share price reaction. And unlike some other stocks on lofty valuations, the 'story' behind BRL, being "dirty coal" is far from strong enough to keep the share price from falling.

    Bigly profit announced today - all good stuff from all divisions of BRL. Share price still way down from 20c it hit earlier this year - no doubt the uncertainty over the court case is the only thing in play here - literally everything else is good.
    But Mr Market doesn't like uncertainty, and will treat such uncertainty on a beyond worst case scenario... until some certainty can be found. Sad for holders, such as myself, as commentary would have indicated a nice dividend (a cent or two) had the court case uncertainty been mitigated.

    Patience is a virtue.

    Ironic one very particular poster denied holding any BRL at any stage during his various posts - and then later disclosed he had held various times for trading. This same poster refused to apologies for numerous inaccuracies, including a 25% error in the amount the court case was for, and instead just "goes on fishing trips".
    Last edited by trader_jackson; 28-08-2018 at 01:57 PM.


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