Quote Originally Posted by RTM View Post
Yes....great summary. I guess a positive for them is that there is a steadily increasing number of folk reaching retirement age who will rent one of their vans for a holiday or holidays once they sell the family home and move to the provinces. Or secure a loan from HBL.

The TH2 initiative concerns me quite a bit. Maybe because I don't fully understand it. IT projects can easily go wrong and consume a lot more money than budgeted. And will it deliver what they think it will ? I am really in the hands of the company management here as as noted above....I don't fully understand how it will be used to generate a big return. Buying a Camper Van, renting it, selling it...I can understand that. But this is another step. Lets suppose / hope that the idea is sound and great ...as someone noted...it turns them into a tech company. Do they have the expertise ?

Wee bit concerned, and yes, I do hold.
Likewise I don't understand how TH2 works.The coy needs to explain how this operates.How does it generate its revenue?
I would be pleased if anyone knows & can explain as I am not IT savy. What is in it for Thor?