Below is the sort of function im working to get the true number - can anybody see issue ? note the recursion.

static public double CalcInterest(double InterestRate, int Months, double LoanAmount)

double TotalInterest = 0;

for (int i = 1; i < Months + 1; i++)

double PmtValue = Financial.Pmt(InterestRate / 12, Months, -LoanAmount);
double IPmtValue = Financial.IPmt(InterestRate / 12, i, Months, -LoanAmount);
double PPmtValue = Financial.PPmt(InterestRate / 12, i, Months, -LoanAmount);

TotalInterest += IPmtValue - ( (IPmtValue * 0.175) + (IPmtValue * 0.15) );

if(PPmtValue + IPmtValue > 0.01)
TotalInterest = TotalInterest + CalcInterest(InterestRate, Months - i, IPmtValue + PPmtValue);

//Console.WriteLine("{0},{1},{2},{3}", i, PmtValue, PPmtValue, IPmtValue);


return TotalInterest;