Quote Originally Posted by Beagle View Post
It worries me when companies come up with new key performance indicators as though being carbon neutral is just as important as any other KPI. I worry that in the process or creating this new yardstick by which they measure their performance they lose focus on what's really important in their business and most importantly of all what the shareholders really want them to laser focus on, the most relevant KPI of all, earnings per share. I think in this incredibly politically correct world its far to easy for company directors and senior management to think that by achieving some self contrived new yardstick they are somehow achieving the key objectives that shareholders really want.

I suspect if you took a poll the vast majority of shareholders for any given company would simply tell management to stick to their knitting and focus on more important issues. All their efforts (as one shareholder of Summerset put it to me at the annual meeting), won't save one single polar bear.
The reason they are doing all this though is all about perception. They are worried that if they are not seen to be doing the correct thing then customers and consumers are going to leave/agitate in droves and that will hinder the bottom line. A bit of a catch 22. My partner is around the board room and she thinks this Global Warming/Climate Change is a crock of ****. However she cannot utter those words and has to be careful not to fall too far out of line with the new PC speak otherwise its that very board position that is compromised.