positives there if you read the Rawlings comments though. Shes not so virulent
"Although Rawlings said competition could be better in the market, she would not go as far as saying consumers were being "fleeced". If competition was working well, consumers would be paying less over time, Rawlings said."

Heaps milder than Jacinda...

She was open to the Government building more infrastructure that could support fuel being imported into New Zealand.

The Commerce Commission's view was that petrol was still going to be around for a long time and it "does not seem like a sensible strategy" to solely focus on electric vehicles.

Nice to know thanks

I dont think this thread should be used as a political platform, we know how politicians blag and end up doing sfa. Chances are this will do diddley squat and this news offers a chance to buy cheaper shares. I sold a third just the other day by chance, and will consider re-entry.