Quote Originally Posted by Beagle View Post
Interesting insight into the state of the economy. Maybe all those pessimistic ANZ reports were right ?
Extract for the time poor amongst us "Z Energy chief executive Mike Bennetts said the company is seeing a slowdown across the country"
and this... Bennetts said the economy was the weakest he had seen it in the past 10 years. Even jet fuel volumes, which had been growing at double-digit rates, were flat in the past six months..
So the economy is slow and their margins are under very intense pressure that's likely to increase as minnows expand more and we have the Govt about to release their fuel study report next month so there's regulatory risk as well. What a "compelling" investment proposition this one is ! (Sarcasm intended in case its not perfectly obvious to )
He’s pretty miserable these days that Bennetts guy ...probably making a lot of it up to say it’s not all his fault

But a bit ominious when says -

A 5 cent-a-litre reduction in margins would have taken “hundreds of millions of profitability” out of the sector in the past six months, and that had to have an impact, he said.

Bennetts said Z has the balance sheet to see it through

Maybe he wants to be the last man standing or something