Thanks for the explanations people. So, next question ... is the USX really only recommended for experienced investors/traders, or is it suitable for beginner investors/traders? I did read the disclosure info so am aware they are not bound by the same regulations as the NZX, but are there any hidden “dangers” or things one would need to be wary of? Less liquidity maybe?

Quote Originally Posted by percy View Post
The fees are much cheaper and reporting requirements loser.
Most are listed so as shareholders have a market to trade their shares.
Rangatira,Rural Equities,and Skyline are excellent companies.
Zespri can only be traded by Kiwi Fruit growers.
Syft I have a modest holding but could be classified as a spec.
Bluesky are making the right noises ,but I will never invest in them or Silver Fern Farms as I do not like the meat processing sector.Been a great destroyer of wealth.