Quote Originally Posted by jonu View Post
It would be a little more helpful if you pointed out his supposed errors. Does not reflect well upon you IMHO.

Uses the exact same source as blackcap (though why anyone would want to rely on ANYTHING from the US medical system, I don't know). Here's some example https://www.marketwatch.com/story/co...why-2020-03-09
There are literally hundreds of sources supporting the following key points:
- The virus has an infection (reproduction) rate in the region of 2 to 3 whereas the seasonal flu has in the region of 1.3. The exponential impact of infection rates is the biggest differentiating factor!
- This virus is significantly more likely to kill a patient (roughly ten times according to Fauci and a number of articles I've read with some saying as much as 20 times more).
- Unlike flu there is no herd immunity to combat the spread of the coronavirus.
- Incubation (hidden infection) period is ~5 days for coronavirus, versus ~2 for the flu.
- It may take many months or years to develop a vaccine.