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  1. #19
    FEAR n GREED JBmurc's Avatar
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    Sep 2002
    Central Otago


    Quote Originally Posted by zero View Post
    Will wait a day or two but considering selling up. Not sure if Marlins has the potential after 2 drill holes come up empty. Also the time factor if another drill program has to be planned.
    Dont think Paris has enough potential on its own. Seems to be a disconnect of silver with gold. The economics of mining Paris compared with the goldies available is unfavourable. Firstly the recoveries, under 80% for silver (at Paris) I understand while most gold mines are well over 90%. Probably they can improve the recoveries but might add to the cost. Then there is the scale. Say Paris is 50m oz at a gold to silver ratio of 100 thats only equivalent to 500,000 oz gold. Even at 50 it is equivalint to 1m oz, plenty of gold discoveries 1m plus out there. There might be 140 grams silver per ton at Paris open cast with no strip/overburden. But plenty of open cast gold projects with well over 1 gram a ton yield and 100 times the value per gram. They have a lot to do and much time before they make meaningful progress in mining at Paris. Lots of horror stories abbout getting mines into production, disappointing performance, cost over runs commissioning mills.
    Lots of under valued stocks out there now with arguably better prospects I am thinking. Cut my loss and move on.
    Well it all depends on the silver price .. and IMHO higher chance than not we will see history repeat aka 2008-2009+ where we seen Silver sold short heavily to then shoot upwards 500% over the next year or so.. prob be even more this time as Financial its much worse.. so the flight to safety currently dominated by GOLD -USD will flow into Silver as we are seeing the start with lack of silver bullion and high prems..

    As we seen from the sell down IVR is really based around Paris Silver 42Moz JORC the market really didn't see Maslins as the main game esp on this latest results ... Mktcap of 10mill really on par with many micro-cap explorers ..

    Now last Silver Bull market I did very well getting in early with AYN,ARD,CCU and walked away with some good profits prior to production the numbers didn't stack up..
    so I sold.. I think the same will happen here Silver will finally breakout 2H20-21 and catch-up with Gold on the back of "QE infinity" Negative rates..

    IVR Paris project does have great potential(Is the reason why I purchased @ 1.3c)

    Older extension drilling discovered high grades of Silver + lead that hasn't been followed up Mgmt does believe the Paris region could well host 70Moz of High grade Silver.

    Yes recoveries aren't as high as Gold esp. at surface with the oxide which is only 5% of resources anyway ..deeper where 95% of Silver resources are located the last test results averaged 74% .... now that just using the base leach/flotation methods at the time --as IVR stated at the timeThe Company is considering further testwork using CELP (CANMET Enhanced Leaching Process) technology.... which has seen recoveries as high as 90%-99% from 70%-75% but as Silver price tanked its just not be worth the capital investment..

    ""However, the silver leaching rate was much faster with the CELP. The slurries containing the mixtures of minerals showed improvements of 21% Ag (from 75% to 96%) and 37% Ag (from 56% to 93%) with the CELP. Leaching of a high grade gold/silver ore with the CELP resulted in higher silver and gold extractions while using a lower cyanide concentration.""
    Last edited by JBmurc; 31-03-2020 at 12:04 PM.
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