Quote Originally Posted by Joshuatree View Post
But you are speaking from past experience and i question the word packed.Whats it going to be like in the future.Many things are going to permanently change imo. Cinemas will become redundant and thats not even taking VR into consideration.
You're right and I could be wrong, it's a little bit of a weird one to forecast.

Alternative options to watch movies from home or so forth have always been present, and you can think about a doom scenario where people don't want to go out and socialise to the same extent after the current event. I disagree but it would be silly to say i'm wrong or right.

Furthermore, the market yields a strong demographic following from below 20s in particular. If people start becoming introverted on a mass scale after this event then sure no one will go.

I'm not holding but it'll be interesting to see how long it takes if VGL ever recovers.