Quote Originally Posted by whatsup View Post
B S Bal, show me the compelling business case, pier reviewed by independent experts ? there to date is none!! and you call yourself an indepth investor researcher, JEESUS !!
What I don't get Whatsup is why you are so fervently against moving Auckland Port.
Some facts as I see them.
1) Everyone seems to agree that Auckland Port can't stay where it is long term. For multiple reasons.
Do you agree with this ?
2) Looking at NZ....there seems to be only a few options.
a) Manukau Harbour.....not a great entrance. Other issues with the harbour. Insurance. Etc.
b) Tauranga Harbour....probably to small for the total requirement.
c) Firth of Thames....I think that would be a difficult choice. And not cheap either.
d) NorthPort in combination with Tauranga seems most likely.
Are there other options ?
Distance would seem to not be an issue....Marsden Point is about 60km closer to Auckland Port than Tauranga.All it lacks is the infrastructure....which the North badly needs and should get over time anyway.
So it seems to me that "we" just need a plan and then to make it happen. As has been stated elsewhere...will be transformational for Auckland and Northland.

No one is saying this will be an 18 month project. But for the good of NZ Inc it just seems to make sense to move in this direction. No ?