Quote Originally Posted by jimdog31 View Post
there 180 million power poles in the USA alone.

back of the envelope stuff here, but if one company has 350,000 poles that translate to $1.2 million in transaction revenue in a year, the size if the addressable market is.....

when will people recognise this has as much upside as PEB
Does IKE earn any reoccurring revenue on these power poles or is it a one charge thing? Then wait 50 years for the next service?

Sorry if that seems like a silly question. I don't know much about IKE GPS but listened to a podcast the other day talking about how the USA electricity network is completely outdated and billions and billions will need to be spent upgrading it for the coming green electricity revolution (electric vs fossil fuels). At the time I thought this company could benefit but havnt had time to do any research.

Thanks in advance