Quote Originally Posted by ynot View Post
I could be worse, in the US homosexual week has become pride month.
Far more liberal than us! They spend a whole month being proud of their homosexuals before it is back to BAU!

Slimy Winston has been ducking and diving as predicted. The question was asked about whether he regrets going with Labour in 2017 (and therefore starting this whole mess).

Well, low and behold! He didn't go with Labour as an FU to National over his pension overpayment after all! No indeed! It seems that Winnie already knew that National was a party of sex addicts! He never alerted anyone to the sin and debauchery at the time of course! But he damn well knew want a bunch of sickos they were, and THAT is why he went with Labour. No choice at all really, completely out of his hands!

Silly me! Here I was thinking he was at least partially to blame for our current mess! Thanks for straightening out my thinking Winnie!