Quote Originally Posted by Rawz View Post
I get what you are saying BlackPeter but sometimes people are just happy to eat bad or smoke or drink too much etc. Yes they probably are going to die earlier but sometimes they have lived on balance a happier life than someone living 5 or 10 years longer- just because you live longer it doesn't mean you have had a better life than the next person.

Reminds me of a customer I had a few years back, I helped finance him into a $500k truck that had $100k worth of pointless addons- lights, chrome, mint paint job etc. I showed him how much extra money he could take home each month if he just went with the base model. He didn't care, he was happy living a modest life on a modest income, but I swear he had the BEST LOOKING TRUCK running from Auckland to Tauranga! He was a happy man.
Each to their own.Still a free world.