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  1. #12
    On the doghouse
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    , , New Zealand.


    Quote Originally Posted by Lola View Post
    Does Vital fit into this group somewhere?
    You mean 'Vital' in the sense of the entity that was the old 'Teamtalk' and 'Citylink'? Yes there is a 'fibre' component in what Vital owns. But it isn't part of the network funded by Crown Infrastructure Partners. The Vital network is a private network built where Vital wanted to build it. Their fibre networks are in downtown Auckland and Wellington. I am not a student of Vital, so I am prepared to be corrected on what comes next. But my impression is that Vital supplies intracompany fibre not intercompany fibre. This may include external lines linking different business units in different buildings. But generally a customer of Vital buys fibre for their own use rather than with an intention to sell utility to third parties (*). Vital is not unique in doing this. I think Spark have their own in house built fibre network, for example. But this is how I see Vital fitting into the picture.

    As to whether Vital belongs on this thread: They operate a fibre business unit, so of course they do! Thanks for bringing the topic of 'Vital' up.


    (*) I think the downtown Vital Wellington Fibre Network, for example, can service more than one customer of Vital. But generally Vital is 'private network' that Vital manages for their own selected customers. There does not exist a right to join the Vital Network if Vital do not want you to join. There is no guaranteed network access price for allcomers as you might find with the Chorus network in Wellington, (as a comparison). I hope I explained that right. No doubt someone will emerge to correct the picture if I didn't!
    Last edited by Snoopy; 29-06-2021 at 08:02 PM.
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