Quote Originally Posted by TeslaGod View Post
They will most likely let the housing market take a sharp punch in the nose causing a nose bleed before stepping in.

ANZ and other retail banks hold the securities on these mortgages, they don't want it falling into negative equity/I mean they have there annual bonuses to think about.

GOD I'm good.
Time will tell and based on recent history this is the most likely result but as we know predicting the future is not an exact science.

It is unusual for a bank economist not to be cheerleading the housing market. Maybe they are worried that at 30% per annum rises in house prices they will run out of people to lend too. Or maybe the lending gets too risky. Possibly TeslaGod and a few large landlords will have a lot of power when negotiating with the banks when they monopolize the housing and finance market as the plebs slowly drop out of home ownership.