I am up 16.9%

Took 50% loss on PLX and 22% loss on EVO.

Big gain on MHJ 68% and solid performance from TRA, EBO, FBU & RBD. Came in late to RAK and STU but still picked up some tidy gains.

CVT, SEK, OCA and FPH did average.

Learnt a heck of a lot this year. The learnings are worth more than the gains and will serve me well in 20-30 years time when my portfolio is worth substantially more than it is today.

I have realized that I should stick to what I know. I.e. Worst performer PLX- I didn't truly understand the company or the market or what the McD contract was actually worth. I didnt know how to value it or research it. Compare this to my best performer MHJ- easy to value, easy to understand the business model, easy to understand managements strategy, easy to understand the macro backdrop impacting sales, easy to understand the PnL and balance sheet etc etc.

Going forward it will be unlikely that I will invest in a loss making entity like BLT or IKE or even ERD. Unless they can articulate a clear path to profitability- such as HMY; was loss making, currently breakeven and next few years will generate profits. I realize that I may miss the best gains of the next 'ATM' but I am okay with that and will happily take the modest late stage gains.

Guess one just needs to figure out what type of investor they are and stick to it. "Compounding is the 8th wonder of the world", all I need is 10% return a year for the next 30 years and I will retire a very rich man

Big thanks to the frequent posters on this site that freely offer up their wisdom and knowledge. This site is incredibly valuable to be honest. Often posters find substantial value in companies before analysts or fund managers do.

May we all have a blessed 2022