Quote Originally Posted by LoungeLizzard View Post
Well, let's hope so.

I thought the strategic review was a bit of a damp squib - simply re-iterating growth prospects that they have been talking about for years. Why is a business with the market share of ARB, only making 1.7m in profit (down 47% on the previous year). How the hell can that be with all the things in their favour - housing boom, carbon trading, vastly superior product. I'd have hoped the review would have been looking at trying to understand why ARB makes such an appalling low return on capital. Then to look at ways of improving it - cutting overheads, pricing etc. Why would anyone run a business like ARB with all the risks involved for only $1.7m profit? And how do they hope to give shareholders a return on their investment off such a low base, even after all this time. I'm starting to think that ARB shouldn't be a public company as it doesn't seem to operate one in its regard to shareholders. Perhaps courting a takeover or even de-listing would be the best course of action.
If you cannot answer these questions you have not read up enough on the company.

See my earlier posts in this thread:

- Growth is to be generated by gross margin expansion by converting OP to MCP
- In my personal opinion, MCP margins are under appreciated by the market
- To address your questions specifically and simply; they sell seedlings
- The cycle to produce seedlings are aprox. three to four years
- ARB expanded nurseries back in 2018 and 2019 and invested in MCP production, unsurprisingly, in 2023 and 2024 ARB expects a significant uptake in MCP volumes

Significant profit growth in 2021 and 2022 was never going to happen. This should not be a surprise. It is all about MCP volumes.