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  1. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Hastings, , New Zealand.


    To address racist allegations, I see a whole generation of kids led to believe there is value in twirling a poi, and raising their heckles and blood pressure doing hakas.

    In 40 years time or less, when people realise those warrior skills are not in great demand, and those who worked harder to gain more meaningful skills are taxed sh!tless to subsidise the unemployable culture brigade, so leave the country, thereby causing Aotearoa to implode.

    Then the wise ones may say why didn't Getty and some others wrongfully deemed to be racist, say something back in 2022?

    Something to stop the great leap backwards, while the rest of the world moved forward.

    Well I am taking my opportunity now.
    Last edited by Getty; 02-10-2022 at 03:06 PM.


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