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  1. #11
    Permanent Newbie
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Supply Chains all sorted yet we still have inflation.

    Maybe not supply chains causing inflation then? Must be Putin or maybe there is a lag in inflation now supply chains are fixed.

    Mind you the article does not say supply chains are all fixed but the LA port featured a lot in articles about the problem. Maybe Chinese lockdowns have slowed things down. Maybe a recession is on the cards.

    With people spending and consuming less we get a reduction in GDP and a recession, yet no celebrations from the climate change townies?

    Not sure what they think is the cause of climate change but based on their response to date not more people consuming more stuff obviously. More likely the farmers and the miners making the raw materials for the stuff are the problem so they should pay the price to battle climate change.

    Not sure how climate change problems will reduce with central banks able to banish recessions with the printing press and low interest rates. It is almost like the politicians and greenies are saying one thing, yet doing another. I assume it is stupidity rather than deceit because they all seem very genuine and concerned.
    Last edited by Aaron; 17-11-2022 at 08:53 AM.


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