Quote Originally Posted by blackcap View Post
I should have qualified my post. I was just stating a fact, rather than encouraging anything. In fact reading my post I do not state that polititians should be targets. That is waht you have done. That said, I thought about it after I posted it and should have used different wording because hated is not correct. Polarising is probably the better word. She is hated but also loved by many. Probably more to the extremes any politician in NZ has ever been. Key was polarising and certainly hated and there were songs calling for the rape of his daughter etc. But he was also loved.

Jacinda too is even more extreme in the emotion that runs deep both ways. I wish no harm on her whatsoever and would never do anything at all to harm her. I was just stating a fact and we all know it, there are people out there that do wish her harm and that will make her life difficult in NZ. Heck it was already difficult with her protection detail. Going to be nigh on impossible post that.
OMG - what a nervous guilty post - you say you should not use hated and then you use it in your next sentence- unbelievable.