Same incompetent team that have delivered none of their election promises in 5 years, just a new mouthpiece to massage the truth and issue the propaganda. Add to that he outrageous taxpayer money wasting on things of zero actual value to people that is not going to reduce, violent crime that is essentially out of control because it's more important for Labour to reduce prison populations than keep society safe from criminals. Businesses across the board hit be all sorts of compliance costs and regulation. Now lets look at the structure of the party itself - how can it be in any way right for a political party to have an internal race selected faction (the Maori Caucus) essentially vying with the rest of the party? We have a country now divided by race, ruled by a political party, themselves divided by race - WTF!

Light rail to the airport - talk to any business that has been on the path of the relatively small CRL. It's been a complete nightmare of disruption. Light rail will be run down Dominion Rd so it will be that same CRL disruption x 1000 fpr people and businesses along it's path. The cost will blow out as it always does. If they ever get it running, within the 1st week, someone will be hit or nearly hit by a silent tram so they will reduce the speed of it to a crawl, not that it's fast anyway. The journey from the airport to the city will take hours. it will become NZ's biggest and most costly white elephant. A far more sensible solution would be heavy rail from existing close-by stations and it could have been built by now if it wasn't for Ardern's vanity.