  1. #11561
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Daytr View Post
    A wealth tax is a dumb tax. Taxing people fir being successful no matter what they paid in tax along the way.

    If both major political parties wanted do the right thing by the country they would have a CGT as policy & in return, lower PAYE rates.

    I think most of the swing voters in the middle ground would support a CGT especially if it gave workers more money in their back pocket.
    With the property market looking like a Jenga tower I’m not sure that too many home owners ‘in the middle’ would be cheering on a CGT right at the moment. The time to introduce one was about a decade ago. Right now - with a lot of mortgage refixing set to take place this year - we are about to pay the price for fostering a ponzi scheme which is on its last legs.

  2. #11562
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    Dec 2009


    Reserve Bank leaves official cash rate unchanged at 5.5%

    Stop, Stop - you crazy RB Bankers - there's an Election that's causing issues and we dont want any more carnage out there

  3. #11563
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    Dec 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Logen Ninefingers View Post
    With the property market looking like a Jenga tower I’m not sure that too many home owners ‘in the middle’ would be cheering on a CGT right at the moment. The time to introduce one was about a decade ago. Right now - with a lot of mortgage refixing set to take place this year - we are about to pay the price for fostering a ponzi scheme which is on its last legs.
    A Property ponzi scheme under Labour ? .. Never - how could that be ?

    Well, it seems like they started one fuelled by all the borrowed Billions translating to low interest rates
    whether they liked it or not .. the old supply cobbled by higher demand ..

    Didn't Labour want to see the property market crashed ? A Wealth Tax would sure put the icing on
    the cake for that to happen, as everyone runs to exit .. What are they thinking ?

    Chippie might have really put Nosey Parker's beak out of joint not wanting a bar of what the
    Comrades wanted on the near future plan
    Last edited by nztx; 12-07-2023 at 02:17 PM.

  4. #11564
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    Feb 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by nztx View Post

    Budget documents show Government scrambled to avoid 2-year delay to surplus

    Sounds like a madhatter's fiscal circus - compete with a performing Clown dragged in from a schoolhouse
    where no lessons were learned
    ‘The Budget’ was obviously absolute fantasy and was clearly a redundant document even before it was unveiled to the public.
    Credit ratings agencies will be looking on baffled and dismayed by what is going on here; this looks like the opposite of ‘careful and prudent fiscal management’.

  5. #11565
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    Feb 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by nztx View Post

    Reserve Bank leaves official cash rate unchanged at 5.5%

    Stop, Stop - you crazy RB Bankers - there's an Election that's causing issues and we dont want any more carnage out there
    As I mentioned, Orr had already said weeks ago that the Reserve Bank was done hiking.

  6. #11566
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    Dec 2009


    PM Chris Hipkins says poll showing four-year low in support for Labour sends 'a message'

    Prime Minister Chris Hipkins says he has received the “message” provided by voters in a poll showing Labour has reached a four-year low in support.

    "Any poll result like that is disappointing, but it is real, and I take it seriously,” Hipkins said while in Lithuania, overnight Wednesday.

    “It is an indication that New Zealanders don't feel like we've been focused on the issues that they want us to be focused on, and I think that's a message that the whole of the Labour Party will hear.”

    Labour returned its lowest result since 2019 in the poll, which showed its support had slumped five points to 31% of voters, placing it five points below the National Party, at 36%.

    Sounds like news from HQ might be a bit slow filtering through

  7. #11567
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    Dec 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Logen Ninefingers View Post
    ‘The Budget’ was obviously absolute fantasy and was clearly a redundant document even before it was unveiled to the public.
    Credit ratings agencies will be looking on baffled and dismayed by what is going on here; this looks like the opposite of ‘careful and prudent fiscal management’.

    Of course it was .. all the mystery barrels must have been found mislabelled full after, and no-one bothered checking..

    So Robbo was left fumbling and having to fudget it in Election year with empty tins

    Of course no-one stopped to realise that the good years were gone

    Anyone would be mistaken if they could see a bar of ‘careful and prudent fiscal management’ over
    the whole 5.5 years
    Last edited by nztx; 12-07-2023 at 02:29 PM.

  8. #11568
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    Dec 2009


    Annual migration still running hot but signs of cooling

    New Zealand gained almost 78,000 people thanks to migration in the year to May, although there are signs that the surge is tapering off.

    Word must be getting around about the poor excuse for a shambles of a Sh!tshow that Labour have orchestrated around Aotearoa

    For first time in a decade, New Zealand is not named 'greatest country on Earth'

    For a decade, New Zealand has been named the ‘greatest country on Earth’ by readers of The Telegraph in the UK. But that run has finally come to an end.

    Aotearoa has been dethroned by South Africa as the country of choice by the 30,000 readers who voted in the latest poll.
    Last edited by nztx; 12-07-2023 at 02:34 PM.

  9. #11569
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    The Front Page: Why the coming economic storm could keep hitting Labour in the polls

    The country might be in a technical recession, but for many Kiwis the worst is yet to come.

    The latest report from Westpac shows that many New Zealanders are currently on to higher mortgage rates, leading to enormous pressure on household finances. As time goes by and more fixed mortgage rates expire, this pain will spread across the country.

    Add to this the prediction from economists that we could see as many as 150,000 job cuts as the unemployment rate returns to historic averages and you have a dangerous cocktail for an incumbent government.

    “The main two things that hurt a Government [in the polls] are rising unemployment and higher mortgage rates because they’re felt by most people,” Newstalk ZB chief political editor Jason Walls tells The Front Page podcast.

    “When people start losing their jobs, it starts to become a lot more real.”

    Welcome to Labour's approaching nightmare of nightmares

    Expect little support from these clueless Govt goons - Robbo has already emptied the tin

    and borrowed up to the highwater mark plus some ..

    Enjoy while you can
    Last edited by nztx; 12-07-2023 at 02:44 PM.

  10. #11570
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Panic in Labour Camp:

    Polls falling - they dont love us as much .. how come those Pollsters know before us ?

    Fast move - No Wealth Tax .. as much as it will cause Robbo's & Parkers grundy elastic to fray badly
    and likely snap in all the confusion..

    Hide Kiri Allan in back room, as no-one to replace her .. can't have her screeching wrong speeches
    in public or throwing out any more dirty laundry .. apply cover so she thinks it's night time.

    Muzzle Kelvin Davis in back room on all the Oranga Disaster BS and continuing failures to do anything
    (Hope like h3ll the installed copshop talent can knock some order to the little punks on it)

    Spin pink fluffies on Trade Deal even the Aussies would rather choke than sign up for

    Make sure no interest hike, even if Large Aussie Banks still increase their sting

    See if Robbo can find any full barrels mislabeled empty in error to fill large gaping gap or even
    say he think he know where some might be hidden

    Smile sweetly, pull many clown faces (as if no butt hurt) and hope it does job

    Anything missed ?
    Last edited by nztx; 12-07-2023 at 03:16 PM.


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