Quote Originally Posted by Logen Ninefingers View Post
If the media are on the rampage to try and take down ACT…..then ACT must be doing something right. As the NZ Herald lose themselves in an orgy of self-congratulation over (aussie) cartoonist Rod Emmerson putting in a 20 year shift at their paper, he celebrated himself today with a typically vicious attack on David Seymour and ACT. It was drawn in his trade-mark ugly ‘style’, a real assault on the eye-balls; Minhinnick and Low would be appalled at the execrable stuff Emmerson produces.
Karma is coming for these attack dogs of the left - all that will be achieved is that people thinking of voting for ACT will become absolutely determined to do so.
Herald can stick their subscription where the sun don't shine as long as they continue down the left path. No wonder profit is down.