Quote Originally Posted by Getty View Post
The first line of the song gives away its intent.

To create dissent and disatisfaction at earning an honest living.

Much better to be a sponger, and get your money off taxpayers eh?

The song goes on to confuse employers with politicians.

Instead of thanking your employer for creating a business and a job opportunity for you, if you are unable to create your own in a free society, the songs intent is to brainwash you into thinking negatively towards him or her.

Now who would want you to think like that?

You may well find out their version of freedom is a myth, and they will enslave you in ways you never imagined!
Over the past 40 years, wages of US employees have not increased significantly. In fact, after adjusting for inflation, the average hourly wage has just about the same purchasing power it did in 1978 2.

Median male earnings have increased only 6.8 percent from $39,523 in 1976 to $42,220 in 2016, which is an average annual increase of 0.17 percent over the period 5.

The highest-paid tier of workers has received most of the wage gains 2.

The figure in 1 shows that in the three decades following World War II, hourly compensation of the vast majority of workers rose 91 percent, roughly in line with productivity. However, since the 1970s, productivity has continued to rise but hourly compensation has not kept pace 1.

https://www.epi.org/publication/char...ge-stagnation/ 1 Wage Stagnation in Nine Charts

https://www.pewresearch.org/short-re...d-for-decades/ 2. For most U.S. workers, real wages have barely budged in decades

https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2019/...-in-one-chart/ 3. 50 years of US wages, in one chart

https://www.ssa.gov/oact/cola/awidevelop.html 4. Average Wage Index (AWI)

https://www.census.gov/newsroom/blog...ings_over.html 5. Median Earnings over the Last 40 Years

https://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/wkyeng.pdf 6. USUAL WEEKLY EARNINGS OF WAGE AND SALARY WORKERS SECOND QUARTER 2023. Median weekly earnings of full-time workers were $1,100 in the second quarter of 2023.