Quote Originally Posted by Baa_Baa View Post
Hey Jonu, maybe it's because it's less about MSM portrayal and more about people are just so over Covid, it's just not news anymore, it was **** time for most of us and ripping off the bandaid really isn't top of mind, whether, or whatever we think.

We got through it, it's mostly over (hopefully), gone, people want to forget and move on. It happened, we're through it, most of us are glad it's over, we're moving on, trying to put the whole unfortunate and unpleasant episode behind us.

Good luck with trying to make it topical government policy, it simply just won't happen, government have moved on as well, it's in the past now, gone, done, it's over.

You might not like it, but it's over and done with. End of. By all means carry on, try to raise this but I think you're pissing into the wind on this one.
You have stirred up the rabbit warren now Baa Baa with three of them popping their head above ground.

Totally agree with you about moving on / forward. All these grievances they harp on about. Oh poor me.
I feel sorry for the people they put at risk.

Everyone had a choice & they decided not to follow sound scientific advice and they knew the consequences. Move on.
They are the ones that divided the country and still won't move on from it.

I anticipate a barrage of lunacy to follow.