Quote Originally Posted by BlackPeter View Post
Look - that's what they used to say about the Green Party as well. Sure - it took them some time, but look where they are now - and on the way they did help already the other parties to develop green policies.

Sure - TOP may or may not get this time into parliament (but I think they have a real chance with Raf Manji in Ilam).

Important is for them and their ideas to get more public exposure ... and even if just the other parties steal some of their ideas, this would be of benefit, wouldn't it?

Personally I am getting sick of tactical voting - and just check, what the tactical voting did last time for the farmers.

I think its time to vote for whoever one thinks is best for the country ... and to be honest, while I am closer to National as to Labour - none of these parties did a lot of good if you measure them at their outcomes: A once outstanding health system is now in tatters, a once top of the OECD education system delivers now ways below average results, and both National (by underfunding it) as well as Labour (by politicising them and not understanding how to fix them) destroyed them together.

And ACT? Well, what their austerity policies would do to an already strained public service, look no further than the UK.

Which of these parties would you suggest we should vote for to give our education and health system the coup de grace? I personally prefer to vote instead for a party with ideas to improve the system instead of tactically voting for the pundit who might do the smaller aditional damage.
'I think they have a real chance with Raf Manji in Ilam'

