Quote Originally Posted by Blue Skies View Post
All innocent lives are equally precious, Israeli or Palestinian but some on here seem to believe only Jewish lives matter, Palestinian lives esp the children, sisters & brothers, mothers and fathers don’t matter their lives don’t count.

It’s abhorrent, evil, anyone could think those innocent lives count for so little, they deserve to die as retribution, revenge for the 1,600 people killed by Hamas on October 10th, or their lives are just collateral damage.

22,000 Palestinians killed, mostly children & women, over 55,000 maimed, thousands missing buried under bombed buildings, 1.9 million displaced from their homes, refugee camps bombed, hospitals bombed, life saving medical supplies and anaesthetics blocked, food and fuel blocked, water infrastructure destroyed, most people literally starving. Children are having limbs amputations with no anathetics.

The children are unbelievably stoical. A 9 year girl was having breakfast with her family but woke up in hospital to find her leg amputated and all her family killed from a bomb blast. She said she hoped she could get a prosthetic leg & wanted to become a doctor when she grew up because so many children were injured & needed help. Within hours she too was dead, the area of the hospital she was in hit by another IDF bomb!

As President Jimmy Carter said, most people have no idea the level of repression Palestinians have suffered over the last 70 years from Israel, they have been forgotten. There are powerful political forces preventing media and politicians from speaking up.
If any good can come out of this human catastrophe, its that is changing, people are becoming better informed.
The West must demand a ceasefire now, and force a return to a political negotiated 2 State solution.
I couldn't agree more Blue Skies.
Well articulated.