Quote Originally Posted by nztx View Post
Only any good if there is something left to manage .. and the hardening times dont mean more of the dairy
& forestry clods need to be hocked off to keep the Lenders at bay with their butterfly nets out to scoop up
huge usary dallops for the privilege .. like hungry wolves pounding on the door

these sort of situation have a bad habit of arising when large bucketfulls of OPM are roped in to be used
to buy stuff .. and then economic times change to another set of factors .. let's face it - love it or not
but ALF's Divie abolished is just one casualty of this, no matter what excuses are trotted out to cover it
Remember, the recent NZRL deal was good for ALF. The management company gets a cut of the transaction and continues to manage the sold land for the new owner. ALF get to have their cake and eat it, and you're trying to panic shareholders that they might have to suffer another windfall profit in the future?

ALFs dividend policy has been well explained to you on here and by the company itself so let's drop that and reconsider once the stash of tax losses has been worked through.