Quote Originally Posted by Aaron View Post
We all know David Seymour is a massive c0ck,
Of course, we will all have our opinions on various things.

But I don't think this kind of personal attack is warranted.

Though I may not agree with every single view David has, I think he is a good man who is doing a really good job representing the Libertarian voice.

He is also doing a good job representing the voice of a great many NZers who are not necessarily 'Libertarian' as such but do feel that all sorts of things have gone too far, and that we are on the wrong track.

The fact that Labour's share of the vote crashed to 26% speaks for itself. In the meantime David has dramatically increased the Party Vote for ACT.

Only 100 days in govt and the media have literally attacked every single thing they have done, desperately trying to find any slip ups to be able to take down individuals. But all this is doing (along with comments like "We all know David Seymour is a massive cock") are only reaffirming in the minds of the majority of voters that thank Christ we got the last lot out of government.

Everyone needs to just settle down. By all means debate the merits (or not) of any given policy. But the ad hominem attacks being hurled around achieve nothing.