Quote Originally Posted by nztx View Post
they sound like a prosperous not so little huddle as it is sucking in the billions out of pockets of the hardworking,, no increase too large to hit the victims even harder for any excuse

And you want more of the bureaucratic bullcr#p & empire building on a local level all delivering their own spin on localised incompetence & Fk-ups ilike have been seen in recent times up & down the land ?

Just check out all the cyclone excuses covering for non response & other failures etc etc in some areas

Probably worthy of short leashes to keep them in order and headed in the right direction
So are you advocating for centralization?
Sounds like three waters would be right up your alley?
Local councils could improve their efficiency dramatically no doubt. However from what I see much of their bureaucracy is due to conforming to statutory requirements set by Central Government. The amount of consulting they have to perform just to get anything done is ridiculous.

Also the amount of time & effort Councils have to spend on getting funding for projects or maintaining existing infrastructure is also ridiculous. Councils should have sufficient funding to operate without having to beg for it.