"My time line system is in total agreement"
Well, no it's not, actually.

"If you take the starting price at $2-20 as the starting point at the jan 2000 year then draw a 20pc time line in advance look at all the trouble you would save yourself"
Well Duncan, you would certainly have saved yourself all the trouble of holding CEN for 6 years! Using the startpoint specified above, you would have sold in 2000!

"My one has not triggered so far but it is close...... I would be holding with it on close watch at this moment in a long term portfolio".
No you wouldn't. You would have been flicked out in 2000 - and about ten times since then. The current price is WAY below your "timeline" - even if you totally disregard all previous breaks.

"It has been a great share to hold long term" It certainly has. Trouble is, with your "timeline" system, you would not have held it long term.

Duncan, I have said this before, but what you have here is an idea, rather than a system. The whole thing swings from a completely arbitrary start point (Why Jan 2000? Why $6.52?) and runs up at a completely arbitrary slope (Why 20%?) This total lack of precise definition enables you to draw a "timeline" pretty much anywhere you want to.

It is absurdly easy for you to relocate your timeline to prove/disprove anything you like. All you have to do is shift the start point.