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Thread: U3O8 Uranium.

  1. #431
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    Asian Leaders Plan Free-Trade Area From India to N.Z. (Update4)


    "The Asian leaders also agreed to reduce dependence on conventional fuels such as coal and invest in biofuels and nuclear energy. Each nation said they would adopt a 12-point plan to reduce fossil fuels and invest in green energy to combat climate change".

    COMMENT: More pressure on QLND and WA (Uranium Mining).

  2. #432
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    Oops! My first post accidentaly started a new topic. Sorry. [:0]

    After several tries, days, > yr.., FINALLY, Hello!

    as I typed the other day:
    I just typed a big message about how I've followed the sector, etc for years..., watched this board a bit ~2 yrs ago, and MUCH appreicate you linking things to research reports over there so I can comnpare my takes with those with an ear closer to the gorund over there. Any more reseearch links would be greatly appreciated.
    I HAD typed a whole lot.., and unfortunately too winded now [fingers, attn, patience, etc] to do it all over now. Check my website and it may have info or links you folks could use. Lets endeavor to share some info. [FYI: Wrongheaded as many stupid Americans are..., it is very rare when they get Aussie holdings as I have. Exceptionally so without ADRs. I went to great lengths for my modest means to do so - and that's even with 24 yrs and a CFA of experience!]
    We'll chat more. THANKS, and have a great day!

    I just typed a big message about how I've followed the sector, etc for years..., watched this board a bit ~2 yrs ago, and MUCH appreicate you linking things to research reports over there so I can comnpare my takes with those with an ear closer to the gorund over there. Any more reseearch links would be greatly appreciated.
    I HAD typed a whole lot then host crashed.., and unfortunately too winded now [fingers, attn, patience, etc] to do it all over now. Check my website and it may have info or links you folks could use. Lets endeavor to share some info. [FYI: Wrongheaded as many stupid Americans are..., it is very rare when they get Aussie holdings as I have. Exceptionally so without ADRs. I went to great lengths for my modest means to do so - and that's even with 24 yrs and a CFA of experience!]

    We'll chat more. THANKS, and have a great day!

    P.S.: Sorry about our President [got that NSA?]. NOT my fault, I was ALWAYS much against him.
    Bill McHenry

  3. #433
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    Sorry, 2nd mistake: I posted accidentally rebutal to comments/questions on a wrong thread which only perpetuated that mistake. So pardon the redunancy [for those who might have seen] and lets get this corrected and I will drop that typing here so it's not a waste and I get this fixed going forward.

    Sorry, wasn't/can't type as much as I did originally. Can't spend that much time now.

    My website is

    Much of the info mentioned/asked about was typed 1st times, or is there. [When I hit "post reply" it didn't post it and lost my legthy typing. Then took lots of tries to get subscribed, etc.]

    "Masters of the free world"? No, I am not your typical pig headed egotistical American. I am on your side in some of these sentiments.., and I tried to be up front in telling you so. Having done that I don't want to camp/spend time too much on peripheral things. I AM with you. I am sorry many people here don't know any better - such are the perils of mankind everywhere..., particularily with closed minds lacking introspection.

    We should convert to celcious (sp?). I'm w/ you folks on these things.

    Try and take my experience and advice and take it as a compliment and a experienced opinion validating your opportunity. I tried to tell you such. Many opinions make a market.., but I have some good records and experience, and heck, so good so far here right? So back to task, can you offer some insights about what you folks like over there? Any report links you can post?

    Frankly, if I am right about how much cheaper the riosk/rewards are over there you wouldn't want to buy any North American stocks - OR I WOULD BE POSTING SOME! I think I mentioned Uramin, Oriiginally from the UK. If it backs off a touch I'll digress on it.

    Have a good day

    Bill McHenry

    Junior Member

    6 Posts
    Posted - 18/01/2007 : 05:37:26 AM

    BTW: "Bill: Why are u interested in the ASX sector anyway? It is so small compare to the rest of the world in terms of market share." THAT IS EXACTLY WHY I AM INTERESTED IN IT. AND WHY IMHO YOU SHOULD BE TOO. Yes there will be international discrepencies in relative pricing, value, etc, etc, but in time your risk/rewar valuations will come up more comporable w/ North America. IT IS THIS DIFFICULTY IN GETTING INFO, CASH, AND AMERICAN NAIVITEE, ETC TO YOUR MARKET THAT AMKE THIS A SLOW INCREMENTAL PROCESS. But we'll get there, and so will you. Look how your sector has come up already. Just because your sector is "so small" does not mean it is not the best risk/reward on the planet. {I wouldn't go that far but generally I belive it's defintely a better one.}

    You folks are used to more dramatic price swings than here. Markets are much more mature [I ONLY mean that in an evolutionery business phase sense - so don't take it any other way or you miss the very real point] here and incremental news flow gets incremental pricing changes. Co's post info a lot quicker here. Your co's will in time as more capital envelopes the secotr over time. IMHO that is part of the secular rotation from a fincial asset bull market to a real assets bull market - which will bring a lot more cash into your resource based markets. Gotta hop. I hope youtake advantage of why I blieve in the fullness of time to be true...

    Bill McHenry

    Bill McHenry

  4. #434
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    U308 up to $75/lb
    It has broken about a 5 week impasse apparently with buyers but no sellers. The latest increase shows the bulls are in charge and with the Cigar Lake flooding it's almost sure to go higher.

  5. #435
    Legend shasta's Avatar
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    Article on Ukraine's Uranium deposits & the possiblilty of foreigners being allowed to mine it.

    Any current ASX listed "U" companies have tenements in the Ukraine?

  6. #436
    Guru Crypto Crude's Avatar
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    New Zealand.


    Hello shasta,
    yes.... Uran (URA)
    quote-"a Landmark agreements with two key state agencies in Ukraine to jointly complete a financial feasibility study on TWO sedimentary- hosted uranium deposits in eastern Ukraine at (Surskoye, Gurevskoye) located in the Dnipropetrovsky region...
    drilling to commence early 2007, leading to project development by mid year, hopeful production during 2nd half of year....
    URA is a superstar in the making... In the last two weeks shareprice has fallen 20%.... URA announced a share purchase plan to rasie capital last week... we have seen a sell off due to the fact that the SPP has allowed shareholders to sell off some of their holdings and buy back with the SPP at a 20% discount at some time in the future...
    also, Uran is in negotiations with Czech republic on an opportunity to participate in the Rozna mine...
    also in talks with Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan...
    also, divesting its nickel assets, we will get free shares in a new IPO....
    check out this announcement on the ukraine opportunity
    .^sc- SC currently holding URA... Superstar in the making....
    BITCOIN certified rat poop. NSA created, Expensive to send, slow, can only trade on cex, no autonomy, spaghetti code, has been hacked, accidental Backdoor brc20s whoops, no one building on it, alienated all cryptos against it, volume is fake, few whales control large supply... it will perform though

  7. #437
    Guru Crypto Crude's Avatar
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    New Zealand.


    URA current undiluted market value is $41m....
    loooks tooo goood tooo beee trueee
    BITCOIN certified rat poop. NSA created, Expensive to send, slow, can only trade on cex, no autonomy, spaghetti code, has been hacked, accidental Backdoor brc20s whoops, no one building on it, alienated all cryptos against it, volume is fake, few whales control large supply... it will perform though

  8. #438
    Legend shasta's Avatar
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    Sep 2004


    Thanks SC

    Will investigate URA further, i like the U308 companies with overseas tenements, given Australia's U308 policy at present.

  9. #439
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    The Uranium Boom: Tap into the World's Most Sought-after Natural Resource

  10. #440
    Legend shasta's Avatar
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    Nuclear Energy The Future: Howard
    12:49 pm, 04 Feb 2007

    Governments around the world have been responding to a United Nations report that warns of the need for urgent action on climate change, to avoid irreversible damage to the planet.

    The Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change says global warming is very likely due to human activity, and predicts rising sea levels, and worsening storms and droughts.

    Australian Prime Minister John Howard says the report is further proof that the country should be looking toward nuclear energy.

    Mr Howard says wind energy and solar power are not the solution.

    He says his government will not change its mind over the Kyoto protocol treaty, which it has refused to sign.

    The EU describes it as the starkest warning yet, and Britain says climate change threatened world peace and prosperity.

    The United States, which produces about quarter of the world's greenhouse gases, called the report valuable, but the White House has again expressed opposition to compulsory caps on greenhouse gas emissions.

    And American Energy Secretary Sam Bodman rejected criticism of the United States' record.

    The New Zealand government says it is targeting transport, electricity, forestry and agriculture to try to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

    © NewsRoom 2007


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